FIFA Searching for Experienced Suppliers for 2026 World Cup

The FIFA World Cup is one of, if not the largest sporting event in the world and in 2026, it will be coming to North America. More specifically, the World Cup Final, which is the biggest game of the tournament, will be taking place in the Meadowlands at MetLife Stadium, which is sure to attract hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world. 

With all of this extra attention being brought to North America, the FIFA World Cup 2026’s (FWC2026) Infrastructure and Technical Services team has engaged BaAM Productions to procure and deliver temporary infrastructure for each of the 16 stadiums hosting the tournament. The suppliers that are chosen will join BaAM as they look to help deliver an unforgettable FIFA World Cup in 2026.

The request for Expressions of Interest (EOI) can be found by clicking here.

This EOI is used to collect interest, information, capability, references and details from suppliers both in North America and internationally. During the process of selecting suppliers, FWC2026’s Infrastructure and Technical Services team will be qualifying suppliers for each commodity or service package, who will receive the associated RFP package over the coming months. If you do not qualify for this round, this does not mean that you are out of options, as there will be more opportunities as the tournament gets closer.

If you are a fan looking to get tickets for the 2026 FIFA World Cup, you can register interest for matches and other aspects of the tournament here.