The Meadowlands Chamber responds to the Coronavirus by hosting digital meetings making sure we are keeping members accurately informed of everything that is happening in our business community. We live in a time that technology can connect us in profound ways. Just 10 years ago, being sent home from office jobs would have been far more disruptive than it has been. On behalf of members, The Chamber invested heavily in technologies that have the capacity to virtualize meetings and can sustain business activity despite social distancing.
The MC Management Team has established a page of Curated Resources for Business for you to keep updated on all elements involving COVID-19. To keep up with daily news that pertains to your community, please visit: MC Curated Business Resources. Along with this, Gov. Murphy has set up a 24-hour hotline where trained healthcare professionals are standing by to answer questions about coronavirus. The number is 1-800-222-1222 and the call is free. If using an out-of-state phone line, call 1-800-962-1253.