New Jersey launches $180 million in grant programs for small businesses to upgrade HVAC, plumbing fixtures, and appliances

About the Programs
Are your HVAC, plumbing fixtures, and appliances outdated and inefficient? Do you want to improve energy efficiency, water conservation, and public health and safety in your business? New Jersey’s School and Small Business Energy Efficiency Program can help you repair or replace your HVAC system, plumbing fixtures, and appliances to meet efficiency and health standards.
Grant funding can cover up to 75% of the total cost for projects. Find out more on our website.
How to Apply
Use the applications linked below to start your project.
HVAC Application (SSB-VEEVR)
Join us for a free informational webinar to learn more. Choose a time that best suits your schedule:
Contact us at 866-657-6278 or by email at
Meadowlands Magazine, the official publication of the Meadowlands Chamber and its affiliate organizations, has proudly served the business community of the Meadowlands region sine 1976. We are among largest business magazine in New Jersey (second by circulation) and offer prime visibility opportunities for businesses to connect with potential customers.