Renewing your dental coverage should be your business

As a small business owner, you know when it comes to renewing your dental benefits package for the new year, your company has its own unique needs and concerns. Not only are you investing in a dental plan that fits your company, you’re also contributing to your employees’ overall healthand happiness. Choosing wisely sends the message that you value not only your bottom line, but the well-being of your employees as well. And in the end, this is good business.

Here at Delta Dental of New Jersey, we know that gathering the right information on small group dental plans is an important step in making the best decision for your company overall. Carin P. Hep, our Small Group and Individual Program Sales Director, shares her thoughts on a few of the most common questions regarding small group dental insurance.


Q: Why is offering dental insurance to employees so important?

Carin: Dental insurance is important for several reasons. Not only are many work hours lost due to dental emergencies, studies show that when people have dental insurance, they are more likely to visit their dentist for regular checkups. Regular visits allow dentists to identify and treat problems before they become serious, mitigating the need for emergency care. This is not only an advantage to keeping employees mouths healthy, but employers benefit from a reduction in lost work hours. Also, dental is the third most requested benefit by employees and can help employers with attracting and retaining employees.


Q: What types of dental plan options can help small businesses attract and retain employees?

Carin: Affordable plans that provide 100% coverage for preventive and diagnostic coverage. Plans that provide coverage for the employee’s family members. ACA-compliant plans. And plans that allow employees to make pre-tax contributions to the monthly premiums.


Q: Why should a business review their dental insurance plan prior to each renewal period?

Carin: Business owners may find that their employee benefit offerings need to change based on changes to their workforce. Are the current plans providing the right amount of coverage for your employees? Have costs increased for you or your employees’ contributions? Will changes to the benefits or costs encourage all employees to participate in the plans? Are your employees being provided with proper network access to dentists so that they can take advantage of in-network benefits to minimize out-of-pocket costs?


Q: What are three things a small business should look for when renewing their dental benefits plan(s)?

Carin: Networks – Access to the right dentists will minimize out-of-pocket costs for employees and it will encourage utilization to keep employees healthy.

Plan Design – Does the plan cover preventive and diagnostic visits at 100%? Will employees with more serious conditions have access to benefits under the plan?

Cost – Have you reviewed your contribution strategy? Does this encourage participation in the plan by all employees?


Q: What types of small business dental plans does Delta Dental currently offer, and where can businesses go to learn more?

Carin: Small businesses should have access to the same benefits afforded to large businesses. Delta Dental offers a variety of plans from preventive and diagnostic only to full comprehensive coverage, voluntary and employer paid plans. If a business isn’t working with a broker, they can visit our website to receive a proposal, and a Small Group Sales Executive will contact them to work with them to find the plan that fits their needs.

Making an investment in your business, and your employees’ oral and overall health, has never been easier. Use our streamlined proposal process to start your renewal today!


Meadowlands Magazine, the official publication of the Meadowlands Chamber and its affiliate organizations, has proudly served the business community of the Meadowlands region sine 1976. We are among largest business magazine in New Jersey (second by circulation) and offer prime visibility opportunities for businesses to connect with potential customers.