Celebrate New Jersey Hall of Fame (NJHOF) Class of 2008 inductee Thomas Edison at Extreme Edison beginning Tuesday, Feb. 11 and running through Presidents Day on Monday, Feb. 17 at American Dream Meadowlands in East Rutherford, New Jersey.
Attendees can experience the wonder and impact of Edison’s inventions, view some of his first films in the Jersey Proud Theater, experiment with some of Edison’s original inventions, and have conversations with Thomas Edison himself.
There will also be BOGO admission promotions and free giveaways.

Extreme Edison Schedule
Tuesday, Feb. 11 from 12-2 p.m.:
◾Celebration of Thomas Edison’s birthday, including cake
◾View exclusive Edison films provided by the Charles Edison Foundation.
◾Attend a lecture and Q&A with John Keegan, Chairman and President of the Charles Edison Fund and Edison Innovation Foundation.
◾Screening of John Keegan’s TED Talk, “There’s a Better Way to Do It. Find It,” in the Jersey Proud Theater.
◾Conduct experiments about harnessing wind energy like Edison did in his labs with Ramsey Design Thinking.
◾Receive Thomas Edison-themed giveaways.
Friday, Feb. 14 from 1-4 p.m.:
◾Reenact “The Kiss” Kiss Cam, post to your social media, and tag Newjerseyhallofffame at our entrance for Buy One Get One Admission.
◾Watch “The Kiss” & more Edison films in the Jersey Proud Theater.
◾Take home Thomas Edison-themed giveaways.
Saturday, Feb. 15 from 1-4 p.m.:
◾BOGO admission promotion continues.
◾Record and take home an I Love You message on a Thomas Edison Phonograph. This event is first come first served.
◾Celebrate Caturday with Edison’s film “The Boxing Cats” in our Jersey Proud Theater.
◾Receive Thomas Edison-themed giveaways.
Sunday, Feb. 16 from 1-4 p.m.:
◾Our BOGO admission promotion continues.
◾Conduct experiments with Thomas Edison himself with two Extreme Edison science shows at 1pm and 2:30pm. *Each show is 45 minutes and is first come first served. Please RSVP here https://forms.gle/mgRyPMYkc62E6pT38*
◾Record and take home an I Love You message on a Thomas Edison Phonograph. This event is first come first served.
◾Learn about Thomas Edison’s contribution to the tattoo world and get a complimentary airbrush tattoo as well. (2-4 pm)
◾Receive Thomas Edison-themed temporary tattoos as a free giveaway!
Monday, Feb. 17 from 12-2 p.m.:
◾Conduct experiments with Thomas Edison himself with two Extreme Edison science shows at 12 pm and 2 pm. *Each show is 45 minutes and is first come first served. Please RSVP here https://forms.gle/mgRyPMYkc62E6pT38*
◾Receive Thomas Edison-themed giveaways.
*Please note events are subject to change. The phonograph experience, Extreme Edison Science shows, and all giveaways are first come first served
About Thomas Edison
Thomas Alva Edison (Feb. 11, 1847 – Oct. 18, 1931) was an American inventor and businessman best known for inventing the light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture. He was also a businessman who created companies to sell his inventions. In his 84 years, he acquired 1,093 patents.
He lived and worked in West Orange at Glenmont in Llewellyn Park, a 13.5-acre estate with a 29-room home he purchased in 1886. It remains a historic landmark today and is open to the public for tours. He also built a laboratory in West Orange in 1887 and had a research lab in Menlo Park.

Born in Milan, Ohio, he spent part of his childhood in Port Huron, Michigan. Edison married Mary Stilwell in 1871, and they had three children. After Mary’s death in 1884, Edison married Mina Miller in 1886. They had three children: Madeleine, Charles, and Theodore.
Hard of hearing from childhood, he was almost deaf in both ears as a adult. Modern historians and medical professionals believe that Thomas Edison may have had Attention-Deficiency/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A gifted child, he struggled with traditional school settings and ultimately was homeschooled by his mother, Nancy Edison.