Fairleigh Dickinson University is rolling out a an ambitious new strategic initiative designed to
revolutionize healthcare education, training, and innovation.
FDU HealthPath Forward aims to address the growing crisis of healthcare workforce shortages
through interdisciplinary education, training programs, industry partnerships and strategic
community integrated programs.
The initiative will integrate FDU’s strengths in health sciences, business, hospitality, engineering, cybersecurity and other related disciplines to create innovative solutions to address healthcare challenges FDU said in a statement.
The university said it is committed to achieving a far-reaching impact by establishing a coalition of partner institutions and developing FDU’s campuses as hubs for lifelong learning, health, and wellbeing,
Future of Healthcare Education
“We have a vision for the future of healthcare education,” FDU President Michael Avaltroni said,
“and we want to bring together dynamic partners and create an ecosystem of innovation
and leadership that empowers individuals and organizations to improve healthcare
systems and patient outcomes.
“The healthcare industry is facing an urgent demand for skilled professionals, and it’s
critical that higher education steps up to meet this challenge. HealthPath Forward is our answer to this growing need — an innovative, interdisciplinary, and community-driven approach to redefine how we train, educate, and upskill the next generation of healthcare professional, Avaltroni added.
Key Components of FDU HealthPath Forward
The centerpiece of this initiative is the FDU Healthcare Education Community
Collaborative (HECC), which will bring together academic institutions, healthcare
systems, clinical practitioners and industry leaders to create a talent-driven pipeline for
the healthcare workforce of the future.
Through cutting-edge degree programs, workforce training, and hands-on research opportunities, this collaborative will bridge the gap between education and industry needs.
“We want to bring many talented people together and create a unique environment where
education, healthcare and innovation intersect to meet today’s challenges and build a better tomorrow,” Avaltroni said.
Details About Initiative
FDU HealthPath Forward is committed to creating a sustainable and future-ready healthcare workforce, while fostering innovation, economic growth and improved patient outcomes.
“With our commitment to this vision, FDU aims to set a new national standard for healthcare education and workforce development,” Avaltroni said.
The initiative includes:
◾New Healthcare & Health-Related Academic Programs: Innovative new degree
and certificate offerings, including new initiatives in high-demand fields like telehealth, healthcare informatics, behavioral health, gerontology and medical technology.
◾The Establishment of Unique Links Between Practitioner-Focused and Health-Related Fields: Introducing new programs, unique collaborations and innovative research opportunities that connect practice-based degrees in patient care with perspectives from hospitality, cybersecurity, business and innovation and FDU’s innovative Center for Empathy Research and Training.
◾Workforce Development & Upskilling: Programs focused on digital health, artificial intelligence in medicine and patient-centered care, in partnership with hospitals and healthcare systems.
◾Healthcare Innovation Center: A dedicated research and development space where students, faculty and community partners will collaborate on breakthrough healthcare solutions.
◾Early Pipeline Programs for Future Healthcare Workers: Dual-enrollment programs, mentorship and seamless transfer pathways for high school, and community college students.
◾Lifelong Learning & Community Integration: The positioning of the campuses as living laboratories of health and wellbeing with a future of housing multigenerational living and learning communities to integrate education with real-world healthcare solutions.
Establishing Partnerships
The first phase of the initiative will focus on establishing key partnerships, launching new
academic programs and opening the Healthcare Innovation Center.
Future phases will expand workforce training programs, enhance research initiatives and integrate
cutting-edge technology into healthcare education.
Fairleigh Dickinson University invites students, educators, healthcare professionals, and
industry leaders to be part of this groundbreaking initiative.
For more information about FDU HealthPath Forward, contact president@fdu.edu.
About Fairleigh Dickinson University
Fairleigh Dickinson University is a globally recognized private institution of higher education committed to academic excellence, innovation, professional preparation and community engagement.
With campuses in New Jersey and beyond, FDU offers a wide array of programs that prepare students to excel in their fields while making meaningful contributions to society. In 2023, the University launched FDU Health, which has become the coordinated collaboration of its health and health-related disciplines, and which focuses on key areas of education, workforce development, innovation and community engagement to create communities of health in New Jersey and beyond.