The Lunar New Year celebration, also known as the Spring Festival, is an approximately 2-week celebration unlike any other. I was first introduced to this celebration many years ago as Chinese New Year, however, I’ve grown to realize that Lunar New Year is important to many Asian cultures not just the Chinese culture. It is celebrated around the world in many places including China, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Tibet.
This celebration does not hold specific dates, rather it is based on the lunar calendar. The first day of this celebration coincides with the first new moon of the year and spans through to the first full moon which generally falls between Jan. 21 and Feb. 20.
This year’s Lunar New Year Runs Jan. 29 Through Feb. 12
This year the Snake takes center stage, according to the Chinese zodiac, which features a 12-year cycle with each year represented by a specific animal. If you were born in the following years, you were born during a Snake year: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, and 2013.
What Does the Snake Have In Store For You this year?
Lets take a look at the attributes of the snake and then dive into how we can take advantage of it’s energies to have the most prosperous year possible.
Four Key Attributes of the Snake
Transformation: The snake sheds it’s skin to grow which signifies evolution. This year is a great time to evolve yourself by letting go of outdated habits, toxic relationships or anything that no longer serves you. Like the snake shed what’s no longer serving you. This is the year for change whether it’s letting go of a habit, a relationship or a mindset that’s holding you back.
Flexible & Grounded: Snakes are very flexible they have around 12 times the amount of vertebrae that make up their spine then humans do and their skin is also very strechy this combined allows them to easily weave around obstacles close to the ground. Just as the snake is flexible and grounded this year will ask you to be flexible and grounded. Stay steady and open minded to opportunities even if they are not exactly what you originally envisioned for yourself.

Intuition & Introspection: Snakes have very strong intuition, they sense danger or opportunity before they act. Trust your gut when it comes to things such as relationships, job offers, and large purchases. Introspection guides us to focus on self-improvement growth starts from within so start creating a strong foundation from the inside that will allow you to have long term success both inside and outside.
Strategic: Snakes are very strategic, they conserve their energy knowing when to strike and when to wait. While the world may be chaotic this year encourages you to be smart with your energy & resources. Be extra mindful of whom you spend your time with and avoid getting sucked into arguments that ultimately drain your precious energy.
The ancient Greeks saw snakes as symbols of healing. Asclepius, the god of medicine, who’s symbol – a staff entwined by a snake – is still used today to represent medical professionals. Another reminder to spend time nurturing your health & Wellness this year which includes nourishing relationships and most importantly Self-Care.
Tips to Map out your 2025 year of the snake plan
Set Goals! Be specific with your goals make them actionable including scheduling time to work on them regularly. This will give you a clear direction and help you stay on track
For example self-care activities might look like this:
◾Weekday Walks: Mon-Fri 12:00pm-12:20pm
◾Acupuncture: Every first and third Wednesday of the month 6:00pm-7:00pm
◾Reading: Everyday 8:30pm-9:00pm
◾Daily Doodling: Everyday 5:00pm-5:05pm.
Yes, you read that correctly doodling! Doodling is a type of meditation; Studies have shown that it calms & centers the mind and can also aid in releasing blockages so if your feeling stuck try this doodling schedule!
Reflect and Release: Take time to reflect about something you would like to release whether its a limiting belief, an old habit, or a toxic relationship. Write it down on a paper and commit to shedding it away. There are many ways to shed the paper once you have written it down including wripping in up in several pieces and throwing it away in various garbage receptacles or even burning it. *Note please take precautions if deciding to burn your paper for example during a recent retreat I attended we burned such paper in a bowl carved out of ice!
Practice Patience: Snakes know when to move and when to stay still – identify one area of your life where your feeling impatient or rushed – step back, pause and practice waiting for the right timing – trust that things will unfold when the timing is right.. – Don’t rush into any decisions. The snake teaches us to be wise with timing wait for the right moment and plan your moves carefully.
Optimistic Outlook
The year of the snake is one that rewards those who are patient, flexible and nourish themselves & their relationships. If you can embrace these insights the Snake can help you to strategically navigate opportunities for growth that will slowly blossom both personally and professionally.
Next Steps
Are you ready to shed your skin and transform yourself? Not sure where to start? Would you like help kickstarting your goals? I can help. Sign up for an initial consultation where I can support you with identifying and mapping out your 2025 goals embracing the attributes and insights of the Snake.
Studies show we see better results towards our goals if we have a friend to encourage us. Therefore, for a limited time, sign up for an initial consultation with a friend and you both will receive your first 30 min follow up session for free, complements of Golden Proportion Acupuncture & Wellness.
What will be your first year of the Snake goal?
Note: Sessions can be conducted both remotely and in person at my Lyndhurst office at Golden Proportion Acupuncture & Wellness, and may include one or all of the following based on individual goals and needs: Acupuncture, Health & Wellness coaching, 1:1 Guided Meditation / Energy Clearing.