Are you looking for a simple and effective way to expand your network, while simultaneously learning from some of the industry’s best? If you are, the Meadowlands Chamber November Monthly Networking Meeting is perfect for you.
On Thursday, November 17, the Meadowlands Chamber will be holding their Monthly Networking Meeting from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM EST. The event will take place at 1099 Wall Street West, Suite 100, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071.
The meeting serves as an ideal opportunity to communicate and connect with members of the chamber, along with other guests. With presentations from leading organizations in the industry, it is the perfect way to expand your knowledge and learn from the best.
Presentations are not the only way to grow your knowledge as you will have the ability to meet and communicate with other business professionals, sharing your knowledge with one another and growing your network.
Free and secure Wi-Fi is provided, if you ever need to tend to your business at any point during the meeting. There will also be complimentary coffee to get you ready for a productive networking session.
To find out more information about the meeting, and to register, please visit: