New Jersey Ranked 3rd Best State to Live in Overall

New Jersey was ranked as the 3rd best state to live in 2024, according to a new study by WalletHub. The personal finance website ranked all 50 U.S. states based on rankings in the following categories: affordability, economy, education & health, quality of life, and safety.

New Jersey received a total score of 59.65 and ranked in the top 10 for safety (No. 1) and education & health (No. 9) while also ranking 11th in quality of life, 25th in economy, and 48th in affordability. The Garden State also ranked in the following subcategories.

  • 7th – % of Population in Poverty
  • 28th – Income Growth
  • 25th – % of Insured Population
  • 10th – % of Adults in Fair or Poor Health
  • 14th – Avg. Weekly Work Hours
  • 7th – Restaurants per Capital


New Jersey has the highest median household income in the country, at over $96,000. In addition, New Jersey residents have the second-lowest median debt, the equivalent of around 31% of what they earn in a year, according to Wallet Hub.

“The Garden State has done a good job of tackling poverty, too, with the fifth-lowest share of the population below the poverty line and the eighth-lowest food insecurity rate,” according to the report.


When it comes to health, New Jersey residents have the fourth-lowest premature death rate in the nation, the sixth-lowest obesity rate, and the 10th-best overall life expectancy.

“One reason for the low obesity rate in particular is the fact that the state has the sixth-most miles of trails and the fifth-most fitness centers per capita, which gives people plenty of opportunities to stay active,” per the report.


New Jersey also has the sixth-lowest violent crime rate and ninth-lowest property crime rate, due in part to the fact that it has the highest number of law enforcement employees per capita.

 Top 5 States to Live In per Wallet Hub

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Florida
  3. New Jersey
  4. Utah
  5. New Hampshire

U.S. News & World

According to U.S. News & World Report’s 2024 Best State Rankings, released in May, New Jersey was ranked the 14th best state in the nation to live in overall.

The ranking was based on eight categories: health care, education, economy, infrastructure, opportunity, fiscal stability, crime and corrections, and natural environment.

The state ranked:

  • 4th Education
  • 4th Healthcare
  • 5th Crime & Corrections